L feu d issey

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Відео: Парфумерні посилки: Franck Olivier, Madonna, Lancome, Yves Rocher, Judith Leiber

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вівторок, 01 березня

по Санкт-Петербургу

вівторок, 01 березня

в регіони

протягом 5-15 днів

I was wondering if the ingredients were to hard to purchase with so many wars going on. Some of the ingrediens are quite exotic.

Please bring this back to the US. I have heard it is sold in Europe and other countries just not here in the USA.

Believe me, people will remember you by this fragrance.

I am happy finally to have had the opportunity to try Isaac Miyake LE FEU D`ISSEY, and now I know why it was discontinued. The problem is that during the first few, crucial ?? at the counter and deciding whether to buy ?? moments, this composition smells not at all unlike mildewy, rotting wet wood. After several minutes it becomes clear that this is a deep and dark absinthe / wormwood creation, with a lot of appeal for those who appreciate woody oriental perfumes with a masculine bent. But the opening is such a turn-off during those ?? decision-making ?? minutes that I definitely understand why many potential buyers would have been dissuaded from giving this worthy creation its full due ?? or a second sniff.

Once the fragrance has fully developed, it is a big, beautiful, dark woody perfume with a somewhat overwhelming sillage, given how out of the ordinary the scent itself is. I would compare the overall effect to that of freshly cut mahogany chips soaked in absinthe and then set out under the hot sun to dry (so that the alcohol all evaporates away). The longevity is impressive. The sheer eccentricity of this composition probably explains its discontinuation as well, since it really smells nothing like the standard categories of feminine perfumes. I would not be at all surprised if some women who purchased FEU D`ISSEY scent unsniffed ?? or received it as a gift ?? ended up passing it on to their husband. That`s how masculine this so-called feminine composition is. Without having read the entry in The Guide, I am surmising that this one got rave reviews, since LT (a man) happens to favor perfumes with a masculine edge ?? imagine that!

Issey Miyake Le Feu D`Issey

When a scent is described as a "colossal failure" and "ahead of its time" it does make one wonder which was right. What one generally finds is reality tends to fall inside the extremes presented by those quotes. So it is with Jacques Cavallier`s +1998 creation Le Feu D`Issey. One thing I can say with confidence is that this is not an easy scent to categorize. I`ve worn it five times and it seems different on me each time. My wife has worn it twice and it has been different on her, too. I think a scent should have some consistency from wear to wear but Le Feu D`Issey sure seems to confound that postulate. At the top I get bergamot and the smell of coconut. This is not the rich smell of grated coconut or of coconut milk. This is the raw smell of the water contained in the nut in the center of the coconut. It contains some of the richness of the meat of the cocnut but it also has a pungency to it. I think it is this accord that cause some people to refer to the opening of Feu D`Issey as smelling "spoiled". For me this is a pungency that I have not encountered before in a scent and on me it wears quite nicely. From wear to wear the strength of this beginning seemed to be slightly stronger or barely there. As this progresses into the heart, jasmine and the controversial milk note come into play. I`ve only run across one other scent with a milk note, Lostmarc`h L`ann A`el and the milk note here is used as contrast to the jasmine and it creates a richness that brings out the sweet of the jasmine without it being overwhelming. Add to this a light use of rosewood and the heart is a lightly sweet combination of sweet floral and sweet wood. This aspect was consistent from wear to wear. The base went back to being confoundingly difficult to nail down as it seemed like I encountered a different wood every time I wore it. One wear it felt like a creamy sandalwod, another time it was the clean lines of cedar, still another time it seemed like gaiac. Partnered with it was vanilla which was a near perfect transition from the milk accord in the heart. So where do I come down on this one? Surely not "colossal failure". This is envelope pushing perfumery but a fragrance that has an inability to settle down on a person`s skin and offer a similar experience from wear to wear is never going to be something the average colognoisseur will seek out. "Ahead of its time", I`m not sure I`m there either this feels kindred to many of the androgynous unisex scents being produced in the late 90`s into the new millennium. I do not think if Issey Miyake went back into production this would all of a sudden find an audience and become a huge seller. If I had to categorize this in two words they would be- noble experiment.

Warm, peppery, plasticky, milky. It is difficult to pin this one down. Maybe it is not supposed to be. Ethereal and indescribable. Do not try to figure it out, just enjoy it.

i LOVE this fragrance, and am so bummed that it is no longer available. the other reviews made me giggle, folks seem to have strong reactions to this one. a neighbor gave me a bottle a few years ago, and i was so excited because it had been discontinued. she went on at length about how putrid she thought it smelled (which, i am not surprised, as she favors fig smells). this would be my signature scent if it was available. it is sexy. i get notes of amber and pepper and it settles into some nice vanilla tones with my ph. love love love it. it is unique, feminine without being coy.

Відео: L # 39; EAU D # 39; ISSEY POUR HOMME - TV SPOT

I adore this fragrance and have mourned its passing for years now especially since infrequently i am insulted by its pale little sister Le Feu D`issey light which is repellent worn presumably by those who never smelled Big sister.

When ever i wore it people would stop me in the street to ask me what the beautiful scent was that i was wearing, and on more than one occasion was told that this perfume was what someone thought heaven smelt like (once by a women who confessed to having ridden the elevator longer than she had to just to continue to enjoy the scent).

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